Scientific fitness | is fasting aerobic exercise advisable?

Date:2022-07-11  Hits:573  Belong to:Motor function assessment and scientific fitness

Abdominal aerobic exercise usually refers to aerobic exercise 4-6 hours after stopping eating, usually in the morning. Common exercises include running, skipping rope, doing exercises, etc. Many fitness bloggers on the Internet are recommending this way of transportation, especially for people who lose fat, fasting aerobic seems to be the most effective shortcut.

So, is it really scientific to exercise hungry?

Fasting aerobic exercise is very scientific

For fat reduction, fasting aerobic exercise is in line with scientific principles. When we exercise, we need to burn sugar and fat to provide power. When exercising on an empty stomach, if you don't take in extra sugar through diet, you can mobilize fat decomposition earlier, so as to achieve the purpose of fat reduction. Studies have shown that fasting aerobic can significantly bring a higher proportion of fat energy supply than non fasting aerobic.

What are the risks of fasting aerobic exercise

Although fasting aerobic exercise is an effective fat reducing exercise in line with scientific principles, many people have encountered problems in the actual exercise process.


Poor performance

Exercise on an empty stomach will lead to movement deformation, decreased intensity and poor endurance, but it will reduce energy consumption and increase the risk of sports injury.


Increase calorie intake

The key to fat reduction is to create an energy gap (for example, exercise consumes 200kcal of energy, and dietary intake is reduced by 200kcal compared with normal, creating a 400kcal energy difference). Although fasting aerobic can burn more fat in a single exercise, it can bring a stronger sense of fatigue and hunger in the whole day or even longer, which often increases the intake of calories and plays the opposite role.


Cause hypoglycemia and other adverse reactions

It is especially common in the elderly during fasting exercise in the morning. Due to the low blood glucose content, fasting aerobic exercise is easy to cause hypoglycemic reaction, which can lead to coma in serious cases, and even irreversible damage to brain cells and myocardial cells.
Who is not suitable for fasting aerobic exercise

First of all, it is clear that people with diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other basic metabolic diseases are not recommended to carry out fasting aerobic exercise. If healthy people feel unwell when doing fasting aerobic, they should also stop immediately. However, fasting aerobics is still a very effective way to reduce fat for many people.

Everyone's physical condition and exercise ability are very different. What kind of exercise to choose and how to take are highly targeted. Scientific fitness is to understand your own situation and take appropriate ways to exercise. For example, fasting aerobic exercise is a scientific way of exercise, but the premise is that the bodybuilder has no basic diseases, and can maintain self-discipline and concentration during training, and carry out certain muscle strengthening training, while cooperating with a perfect nutrition plan.

If you want to achieve the goal of rapid fat reduction through fasting aerobic exercise, you must first do a good job of exercise function uation, and practice under the guidance of professionals according to the suggestions of exercise prescription.


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