Scientific fitness | the easiest way to enhance cardiopulmonary function - running

Date:2022-07-11  Hits:629  Belong to:Motor function assessment and scientific fitness

Running, as one of the easiest sports to carry out, can not only consume calories, but also promote the exercise of cardiopulmonary function and increase the coordination of limb movement. It is very popular and is an exercise method that kills many birds with one stone.

What is cardiopulmonary function?

Cardiopulmonary function is the ability of the human heart to pump blood and the lungs to inhale oxygen, which directly affects the activities of organs and muscles of the whole body, so it is very important.

The whole body of the human body needs to rely on oxygen to burn the energy stored in the body and turn them into heat energy. Organs and muscles can only move after receiving heat energy. Oxygen is inhaled from the lungs, so the volume and activity times of the lungs are very important; The heart is responsible for sending oxygen to various organs and parts through the blood circulation system, so the strength of the heart beat will affect the blood flow.


Can running enhance cardiopulmonary function?

First of all, running can increase the blood flow of the heart, so as to increase the oxygen delivered by the heart to various organs and improve the work quality of various organs.

Secondly, long-term running can increase the speed of blood circulation, improve metabolism, effectively clean the harmful substances in the excretion system, and reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the blood.

Finally, running can increase lung capacity. Through long and rhythmic deep breathing, the human body can breathe a lot of oxygen. Generally speaking, if a person's oxygen intake exceeds the usual 7-8 times, it can inhibit the growth and reproduction of cancer cells.

Enhance cardiopulmonary function through running

Three principles should be followed

You can't fish for three days and dry the net for two days in running training. You need to maintain a certain degree of self-discipline, otherwise your running ability can't be improved.

Avoid running on an empty stomach, otherwise it will easily lead to hypoglycemia, and the endurance of running will decline. You can't run immediately after meals, which is easy to cause bifurcation and is not conducive to gastrointestinal digestion.

Control your running speed and don't compare your speed with others. Novice fast running is easy to exhaust, and fast running belongs to anaerobic exercise, which is a training that cannot be adhered to for a long time, so it is easy to exhaust.

Quantification of cardiopulmonary function

VO2 max test is the maximum amount of oxygen consumed by people during strenuous exercise. It is also internationally recognized as the gold standard for measuring cardiopulmonary function (cardiopulmonary endurance). According to the test data, we can uate the current physical condition and formulate appropriate training plans, which has been widely affected at the level of top athletes.

Generally speaking, the maximum oxygen uptake (ml / min) can be accurately uated in the advanced sports science laboratory with the help of the cardiopulmonary function automatic analyzer (bench test).

The sports function uation and scientific fitness Department of Beijing delconi orthopedic hospital has professional equipment, which can accurately measure the maximum oxygen uptake, choose the right exercise method for you, and effectively prevent injuries during exercise.


Address:A19 Fushi Road, Haidian District, Beijing